Thomas Flechtner

The above images were created by Thomas Flechtner. They are from his series called “Sakura”, which is composed of 12 images. This series was made in 2003. The meaning behind this series was to show the true nature of nature itself, in color, motion, and aesthetics. I quite enjoy looking at these images. All the images in this series were good, but I was drawn to these two images. These images instill a sense of calmness and peace in me. I like how they are out of focus so you can not tell what they are immediately. You have to look at them to tell that these are tree branches. I also like the snowy quality of them. It feels like the trees are blossoming in winter. When these images are on display they are quite large and they are lit from behind. This gives them a very nice glow. I would like to be able to see this series in person someday. I feel that seeing them in person would add a whole new layer to them.


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