David Muench

    David Muench is an American photographer. Muench is a landscape photographer. Both of his parents also worked in the field of photography. Muench works primarily in large format photography, meaning that his images are printed large in great detail and clarity. He also uses color in a lot of his landscapes. He has worked with several magazines and has received several awards throughout his life. Muench has used a couple different kinds of cameras throughout his career, they are always analogue, and with those cameras he has used different kinds of lenses, such as wide-angle and a telephoto lenses. He has also used different types of film, but he usually worked with large format film.

    I really like his image titled “Evening, Rock in Tidal Pool” from Bandon Beach SP, Oregon. This landscape is breathtaking. I love the different colors he was able to capture in the sky and on the ground. Not only can you see the shift in color from the sunset in the sky if you look closely you can also see it in the water. I like how the rocks in the background contrast with the rock in the foreground. The rocks look similar in size, yet it is clear that the rocks in the background are larger. I like how the water connects the foreground and the background, and how the lighting in the water goes from light to dark. I also like the angle at which he shot this image. He had to get low to the ground, which is an angle we would not usually look from. Overall, this image is well composed and executed.  


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