Hiroshi Sugimoto


Hiroshi Sugimoto is a Japanese photographer and architect. Above are some of his photos on electricity. I like these photos because usually, you would only think of electricity as being dangerous but in these photos, you get to see its raw beauty. It branches out like the roots of a tree. It is strong, powerful, and wild. It can be unpredictable and deadly. However, it can also save lives. Electricity could set the world on fire and leave us all for dead. Or it can be harnessed to help us create a better world. We have used electricity to both help and hurt each other. While electricity is not exactly a living thing I still think it is cruel to use it to hurt each other. I also like how in these photos the electricity is white because white is a representation of purity and electricity is pure. Electricity reminds me a lot of fire, and fire is my favorite element. I love how in these photos you can see the electricity branch out into such tinny lines. I like how the lines are so crisp and how as the lines branch out they get darker. I would really like to know how he did this because these pictures are so beautiful.


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