John Dugdale


    John Dugdale is an American photographer. Above are three of his cyanotype images that I found really interesting and beautiful. The shades of blue that he got in these cyanotypes are so diverse and crisp. They have light blues that look almost white, they have gray-blues, and they have bright blues.  I also like the different lighting he has. It looks like it's mostly natural light. The lighting in the far-left image is very bright and direct, while the lighting in the middle image is light and soft, and the lighting in the image to the far-right is mainly on the right side of the image. While the main focus of Dugdale’s images is usually a person I found these images more appealing. I like how in the middle image, not all the flowers are in focus because in life everything isn’t always in focus. I like that he made these images into cyanotypes because it brings in a color that would not usually be their natural color, and it makes them look more three-dimensional. Overall John Dugdale has some very nice images.


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