Arno Minkkinen


    Arno Minkkinen places parts of his body in almost all his landscape photos. This makes them hybrid photos, they are part self-portrait photography and part landscape photography. This is what drew me to his photos. He is able to seamlessly add himself into the environment so it looks almost natural. I chose the two images above because I love his use of reflections. In the image on the left, he uses the reflection of the tree in the water to make it look like he is holding the tree in his hand. He was close enough that he was able to capture some detail in the water yet he was far enough away that the tree fit his hand perfectly. I like the picture on the right because it shows his dedication to his work. In order to get this picture, he had to actually be in the water. He used the reflection of his hand and the pen to make it look like he was writing on the water. I like how where his arm enters the water the reflection overlaps with his arm because it adds to the reflection without stealing focus from the hand. He will do anything for his images even if it means burring himself in snow or being in cold water. He is a truly dedicated photographer. And the way he incorporates himself into his photos is amazing.


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