Alex Webb

The image I chose is from Alex Webb’s The Suffering of Light. This image depicts Mexicans being arrested while trying to cross the border into the United States. Alex Webb is known as one of the pioneers of American color photography. The images in this book The Suffering of Light are known for their intense color and lighting. This series is what got Webb into color photography to begin with. Now he is well known all over the world for his color photographs. This is ironic because he started out as a black and white photographer in New England and New York. It is only because of a trip to Haiti where he saw that color was a large part of the society that he found out he wanted to capture the colors. Since this work he has gone on to become a Magnum photographer, has published 18 photobooks, and exhibited his work in a number of museums.  

All the images in this series have vibrant colors and a great contrast of light. However, I like this image more than the others. It shows something that would not usually be thought of as beautiful in a beautiful way. Usually when you hear about people crossing the border they are grim stories or harsh lands and dark tunnels. However, this image is depicted in a filled full of pudding flowers. I love how the colors of the clouds and the sky contrast with the colors of the flowers, grass, and people. All the colors are vibrant but not a single color seems to overpower another. I also love the lighting. The picture is bright yet there is shadowing on the individuals as if to contrast the grimness of what is happening to the beauty of the landscape. I also like how the people are what is in focus not the flowers even though the flowers are in the foreground.  


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